National Traveller MABS, established in 2005, is a leading advocate for the financial inclusion of Travellers in Ireland.

National Traveller MABS works to end the financial exclusion of Travellers in Ireland by

  • Promoting and developing culturally appropriate financial education programmes.
  • Supporting the development of a collaborative working relationship between local MABS, local Travellers and other relevant organisations.
  • Working with partner organisations to address exclusion by developing alternatives to mainstream saving and borrowing
  • Highlighting issues of over-indebtedness and exclusion from financial institutions, making appropriate responses though our research and policy work

National Traveller MABS is funded by the Citizens Information Board. We are managed by a voluntary board of directors and are based in Finglas. We have 4 full time equivalent members of staff.

We are a registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority. Registered Charity No. 20058388/CHY No. 16291/Registered Company No. 395431