
The links below are related to our work and our networks. We hope you find them useful.


Barnodos is a childrens charity,, that work with vulnerable children and their families in Ireland and campaign for the rights of all children.


Is a voluntary community development organization that is comprised of Travellers and members of the majority population. The group is committed to achieving human rights for Irish Travellers.

Central Statistics Office

Government body responsible for compiling Irish official statistics. Provides data and information on methodology.

Citizens Information

Provides Information on public services and entitlements.

Community Platform

Acts as a mechanism to facilitate solidarity amongst organisations in the community sector that work to address poverty, social exclusion and inequality.

Consumers Association of Ireland

The Consumers’ Association of Ireland is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation.


The purpose of the Conference is to serve the leaders and through them the members of Religious Congregations. It provides a forum where religious can work together in the mission they hold in common.


Crosscare is the social support agency of the Dublin Archdiocese.

Department of Health

he Department of Health's statutory role is to support the Minister in the formulation and evaluation of policies for the health services.

Donegal Traveller Project

Established in 1996, Donegal Travellers Project is an independent, locally based community development organisation working for and with the Traveller Community in Donegal. .