National Traveller MABS develops social policy recomendations and conducts the relevant research in order to do this. Please find below a list of publications and resources.

# Publication Description Published
1 Culturally Appropriate Affordable Accommodation For Travellers 'Seminar Report'

This seminar was hosted on the 12th of June 2018 to develop and advance the recommendations arising from a study into the cost of mobile home and trailer accommodation for Travellers. [PDF 1802KB]

2 A Small Scale Study into the cost of Mobile Homes/Trailers for the Purpose of Social Housing for Travellers

National Traveller MABS undertook an introductory study into the cost of Mobile Homes/Trailers on sale in the Republic of Ireland during February 2018. This study was undertaken as part of our work in advocating for improvements in the area of caravan loans. [PDF 8328KB]
